Logbook for October 22


October 1, 2022

Week 40 - October 22

Friday 10/7

Just playing with huggingface projects.

Weekly someone from HF publishes news of the week

Last 2 weeks, Thomas Simonini has sent updates on Transformers, Stable Diffusion. 09/27 10/03

And just playing with these apps, I realize it has been developped using gradio. Should be nice to give a test. Could be usefull for this project: drag&drop badminton players spreadsheet, and return one with uptodate ranks

Week 41 - October 22

Wednesday 10/12

I am interested since a while to skip execution of some cells in notebooks.

I usually have to rerun (most parts of) a notebook when reopen it, 
in order to get access to previously defined variables and go on working.

However, sometimes I'd like to skip some of the cells, which have no 
influence to subsequent cells (e.g., they might comprise a branch of 
analysis that is finished) and could take very long time to run. 
These cells can be scattered throughout the notebook, so that something 
like "Run All Below" won't help much.

I had used freeze extension a while ago when using exclusively jupyter notebook, and now I use jupyter lab and I have not found any alternative

There is a solution proposed here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19309287/how-to-intermittently-skip-certain-cells-when-running-ipython-notebook that could be of interest:

using %%cache

Saturday 10/15

just to create a bash script from Files app in ubuntu (explorer): https://itsfoss.com/add-new-document-option/


I would like to create HD pictures to support my pitch of my newbiz idea.

And korben has just tested promptomania to generate best prompt to generate diffusion pictures.

I have installed a verssion on my linux using https://sd-webui.github.io/stable-diffusion-webui/docs/2.linux-installation.html


Week 42 - October 22

Monday 10/17

Just taken back blogging with nbdev to handle publication using gh actions to gh pages.

And finally took time to start fastai courses with chapter 1 - Getting started.

Tuesday 10/18

Searching why dark mode doesn’t toggle as expected, I land on this thread https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/issues/822

Quite interesting site where slides are published using quarto. https://pythoncoderunicorn.github.io/Quarto-RLadies/#/title-slide

An alternative to RISE?

Thursday 10/20


Just testing portainer for docker as explained in Run dataiku with docker

favicon on blog

Creation of a favicon for this blog.

google analytics on blog

Setup google analytics, get G- Id, and update _quarto.yml accordingly as explained in quarto doc.

Analytics available here

Friday 10/21

Fastai courses 2022 chapter 2 - Deployment completed

Fastai courses 2022 chapter 3 - Neural net foundations