
This blog

This is more a journal where I am adding entries about my (baby steps) learnings. It is likely to be centered around python, git, data-science, … I have been strongly inspired by Rachel Thomas explaining why I should blog. Specially when starting such a journey to turn a datascientist.

My intent would be to regularly add entries to this blog. Ideally at least once a week. Maybe only short ones, the point being to stick on this frequent activity. If it takes days to write posts I am pretty sure I won’t do it. Those entries are personnal thoughts and not those of my employer Michelin.


I am Guillaume Ramelet. I am 46 (in 2022). Father of 3. And have been working for a French tire company for 15+ years. I am French and as you can read English is not my mother tongue (but using English is a good exercise, isn’t it)