Live coding sessions from fastai

by Jeremy Howard

January 25, 2023

From time to time, Jeremy organizes live coding session.

They are recorded (~1h each) and he takes one subject, and tackle it. They seem to be for beginners. But I am quite sure I can get some tips that I will write down on this page.

18 sessions so far (jan-23):

Live-coding (aka walk-thrus) ✅ - Part 1 2022 - Course Forums

Live coding 1

start from a fresh user in WSL

I try things with a complete fresh new user fastai in WSL

sudo adduser --gecos "" fastai
sudo usermod -aG sudo,adm fastai
su - fastai
!id fastai
uid=1001(fastai) gid=1001(fastai) groups=1001(fastai),4(adm),27(sudo)

if needed, completey delete user and home directory

sudo userdel -rfRZ fastai

and setup things for this new user

X apps

To launch X apps

pushd ~
tee -a .bashrc << EOF
export DISPLAY=":0"

Alias terminal explorer (nautilus)

pushd ~
tee -a .bash_aliases << EOF
alias terminal='dbus-launch gnome-terminal &'
alias explorer='dbus-launch nautilus &'

Take it into account

pushd ~
source .bashrc

Update Ctrl-C Ctrl-V keybindings in gnome-terminal


SSL, CA, SSH setups

To avoid “unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled” (linked to my corporate network architecture)

and “SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK”

pushd ~
tee -a .bashrc << EOF
export OPENSSL_CONF=/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
source .bashrc

To connect to gitlab

Not the smartest way to do it but I copy ssh keys from my main user

sudo bash -c "cp ~guillaume/.ssh/id_rsa* ~fastai/.ssh/"
sudo bash -c "chown fastai:fastai ~fastai/.ssh/*"

install python distribution - mambaforge | the manual way

This is from

Mambaforge is miniforge but with mamba already setup.

pushd ~/downloads

And to this question > Do you wish the installer to initialize Mambaforge by running conda init? [yes|no]

We answer Yes, and then

==> For changes to take effect, close and re-open your current shell. <==

Jeremy hates to not automate things you could have to do several times.

To do it we revert everything done here manually (including conda-init in .bashrc)

about python version

by searching for python eol, you fall into


and recommandation from Jeremy is to take penultimate one. It looks like ot is what is followed by mambaforge

install python distribution - mambaforge | the automated way

It is at

It is Jeremy’s repo that contains anything he uses to setup a new computer

There is a thing called

wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition -O - | bash

and run mamba init to allow mamba activate

and then activate self-certificates into CA

Setup pip, instal certifi and update CA

pushd ~
# setup pip
mkdir -p ~/.config/pip
tee ~/.config/pip/pip.conf << EOF
timeout = 1000
index-url =
trusted-host =
# install certifi
pip install -U certifi
export SSL_CERT_FILE=`python -c 'import certifi;print(certifi.where())'`
# update CA
export TMPDIR=`mktemp -d`
git clone $TMPDIR
cat *trust-ca.pem >> $SSL_CERT_FILE
# export SSL_CERT_FILE
tee -a ~/.bashrc << EOF
export SSL_CERT_FILE=`python -c 'import certifi;print(certifi.where())'`
export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=`python -c 'import certifi;print(certifi.where())'`
source ~/.bashrc

install packages in base


mamba install ipython

Here Jeremy mentionned that Wes McKinney, author of “Python for Data Analysis” does much much things in ipython.

And this is worthy to be read



Let’s install pytorch (searching pytorch install)

mamba install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

from ipython we can test

In [2]: torch.cuda.get_device_name()
Out[2]: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU'


Let’s install jupyter (searching jupyter lab install)

Because we use mamba, conda-forge channel is the default so

mamba install jupyterlab

And we can test by running it jupyter lab

Because I have firefox installed in WSL, I don’t have the same issue Jeremy mentionned. And because I have another instance of jupyter running under my main user (where I blog this), it opens on port 8889



mamba install ipywidgets

End of session - wrap-up

This was the base environnement setup after installing mambaforge


pip install -U certifi
export SSL_CERT_FILE=`python -c 'import certifi;print(certifi.where())'`
# update CA
export TMPDIR=`mktemp -d`
git clone $TMPDIR
pushd $TMPDIR
cat *trust-ca.pem >> $SSL_CERT_FILE

mamba install ipython

mamba install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

mamba install jupyterlab ipywidgets

Starting from this fresh install, let’s retest stable diffusion and my issues on WSL:

mamba create --name fastai_diffusers --clone base
mamba activate fastai_diffusers
pip install -Uq diffusers transformers fastcore
mamba install matplotlib
cd ~/nbs
git clone
jupyter lab

and open/run stable_diffusion.ipynb

but this is not better (still on cuda 1.7, this is maybe why)


Live coding 2

Jeremy shows stuff such as: - switchi users in Linux, - introduction to git and github - build a website with github - setup and use ssh keys - use tmux - create a notebook in jupyter lab - committing and pushing to git - fork a repo - install fastai and fastbook


This is a little bit as screen


sudo snap install tmux --classic


just run tmux to start a new window.

From here you have special commands, starting with binding key (default is Ctrl-b)

Start a new pan (vertical split): C-b %

Start a new pan (horizontal split): C-b "

Close a pan: C-d

Navigate through pans: C-b arrow keys

Zoom-in zoom-out: C-b z

Detach window: C-b d

Navigate in scrillback buffer: C-b [ then arrow keys, pg-up, pg-down

Re-attach window: tmux a


jupyter shortcuts

in command mode

1 - for titles # (if in code, it auto switches to markdown)

2 - for titles ##

3 - for titles ###

y to switch to code cells (much used to m for markdown)

install fastai


mamba install -c fastchan fastai

run fastbook notebooks

And to run notebooks from fastbook, we have to install fastbook and sentencepiece as well

untar_data issues

path = untar_data(URLs.MNIST_SAMPLE) fails with > [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed certificate in certificate chain (_ssl.c:997)

not exactly why because my certifi/certs are updated with my corporate CA

And if I workaround with this preceeding

import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

I have another error which is MICHELIN GROUP - Internet Access blocked</h1><br>Access denied. You are attempting to access the Internet using an obsolete version of Chrome.

Looking in fastai code, I see something like s.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0'})

Is it that user-agent is old and considered as dangerous by security agent in my company?

End of session - wrap-up

Should defintely solve the issue with untar_data

And at the end of this session, my base environment has been built this way

pip install -U certifi
export SSL_CERT_FILE=`python -c 'import certifi;print(certifi.where())'`
# update CA
export TMPDIR=`mktemp -d`
git clone $TMPDIR
cat *trust-ca.pem >> $SSL_CERT_FILE

mamba install ipython

mamba install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

mamba install jupyterlab ipywidgets

mamba install -c fastchan fastai fastbook sentencepiece

Live coding 3

From previous session, question from audience about why Jeremy discourages to use multiple mamba environnement. Quite interesting.

paperspace gradient notebooks

I use github to sign-up on paperspace. And create a project, then a notebook (actually a server?)

graphical debugger in jupyter lab


one can see the limit of from xxx import *, you will have the full variables in this window.

classic, non-graphical debugger

Just by adding %%debug

and for a reason it works better when you navigate into a function


And have access to classic ipdb options

hfor help

c for continue

n for next

p for print

sfor step into

qfor quit

or a second way:

from pdb import set_trace

def f():
    for i in range(3):
> /tmp/ipykernel_1682/
      3 def f():
      4     for i in range(3):
      5         set_trace()
----> 6         print(i)

ipdb>  p i
ipdb>  q

persistent storage in paperspace

/storage is following you on all your servers.

To keep a consistent environment each time you start a paperspace server, Jeremy is following this process:

  • install additional lib with pip --user. e.g. pip install -U fastcore --user. It will install libs in ~/.local

  • move .local to /storage: mv ~/.local /storage

  • symbolic link back from /storage/.local to ~/.local: ln -s /storage/.local ~/

This has to be done once.

And because paperspace has this nifty thing to call /storage/.bash.local at the start of a session, you can automate things here.


Actually it may be smarter to include this into /storage/ and not /storage/.bash.local. First one is run once at the start of your server. The last one is run each time you open a terminal


Jeremy gets some issue because site-packages was not part of sys.path…

import sys


Live coding 4

optimised config for paperspace

Essentially Jeremy has been improving his paperspace configuration

based on paperspace special configuration where

  • /storage is linked to your account (and maybe to your organization account) and will follow you under all your servers (notebooks in paperspace), and

  • /notebooks is linked to your server (notebook) and will follow you for this server, whatever is the machine you decide to attach to it.

Jeremy setups .local, .ssh, and then move that to /storage, create symlinks.

I am less interested by that one, watched at x2 speed…

Live coding 5


overview on vim. Nothing new here, except for learning resources


Jeremy’s vim config file is at


using a clone of fastai to illustrate, and Jeremy used an option to clone without the full depth which is much much quicker

git clone --depth 1

1st thing is to install universal-ctags:

  • one option is to use snap: sudo snap install universal-ctags. It is what I used but Jeremy doesn’t lik snap (why?)

  • 2nd one is mamba: mamba install universal-ctags

And now we can

cd ~/git/fastai/fastai
ctags -R .
#we can look into tags file with all symbols being used in this repo
less tags

#jump to a tag ArrayMask
vim -t ArrayMask

#open a file
#enter tag to jump to (tj: tag jump)
#enter just the 1st letters and press enter, it will suggest matching cases
#e.g. Array
:tj Array
# or from code itself, if cursor is on a word, to get to its tag
#e.g. cursor on Module, Ctrl-]
class View(Module):
# will jump to
class Module(nn.Module, metaclass=PrePostInitMeta):
# to get back to previous tag

We can create a ctags config file to ignore locations such as .pynb_checkpoints…

# we can use stag (split tag)
:stag DataL <enter>
# it will split the screen in 2 parts

Live coding 6

paperspace and ctags and other stuff

One option is to install in a specific directory using mamba

mamba -p ~/conda install universal-ctags, and to move ~/conda to /storage, and link symlinks within /storage/.bash.local

use paperspace with fastbook

Steps to setup paperspace:

  • upload ssh keys for github to paperspace /storage/cfg/.ssh (be sure to copy a key declared to github (yes double check that) and chmod 600 your private key)

  • git clone in /notebooks

  • cd paperspace-setup

  • ./

  • Shutdown your machine and start up a new one

Fork fastbook

  • source ~/.bashrc # don’t know why it is not done automatically

  • git clone in /notebooks

And now we can run notebooks from /fastbook/clean e.g. 01_intro.ipynb


Jeremy dives into what happens here:

  • from xxx import *: and link to

  • to break down cells into splitted cells (with one command per cell) using key shortcut: Ctrl-Shift -

Live coding 7

kaggle competition

It starts with an overview of different types of Kaggle competitions (kudos, knowledge, …, money) and going through a competition as suggested by Radek.

To follow I will switch to my fastai user, install kaggle into base environment. (pip install kaggle)

Get kaggle json from kaggle website. Account > API > Create New API Token

You get

Ensure kaggle.json is in the location ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json to use the API.

So download, copy (using upload in jupyter lab), move in right location, change owner and chmod 600

And I can download paddy dataset with

cd ~/nbs/kaggle/paddy
kaggle competitions download -c paddy-disease-classification

Unzip and then look at directory structure, number of files

find . -type d -print0 | 
while read -d '' -r dir; do     
    printf "%5d files in directory %s\n" "${#files[@]}" "$dir"; 

    5 files in directory .
 3469 files in directory ./test_images
   10 files in directory ./train_images
  380 files in directory ./train_images/bacterial_leaf_streak
 1088 files in directory ./train_images/tungro
  965 files in directory ./train_images/brown_spot
 1442 files in directory ./train_images/dead_heart
 1594 files in directory ./train_images/hispa
 1764 files in directory ./train_images/normal
  620 files in directory ./train_images/downy_mildew
  337 files in directory ./train_images/bacterial_panicle_blight
 1738 files in directory ./train_images/blast
  479 files in directory ./train_images/bacterial_leaf_blight

And then we can start to work on it.

from import *

Path.BASE_PATH = path = Path.home()/'git'/'kaggle'/'paddy'
(#5) [Path(''),Path('sample_submission.csv'),Path('test_images'),Path('train.csv'),Path('train_images')]

Path is neat. Define this BASE_PATH to simplify ls() output.

Had to insert

import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

to be able to download resnet34

For a reason, surely the same issue as I got with diffusion model, my kernel dies when training


And Jeremy shares some tip about nvidia-smi. He suggests to use nvidia-smi dmon instead of watch nvidia-smi (and monitor sm column and see if io allow it to be high enough)

Running it in vscode, I have more information


Could not load library Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

And to fix it, quite easy

add this to .bashrc

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/wsl/lib