gradio and huggingface - handson

how to build an app with gradio (and nbdev) and host it with huggingface

October 12, 2022

Source of inspiration

HF news of the week early october

There is a new version of Gradio announced. Have to try it.

These apps can then be hosted on huggingface. Let’s try that.

How to do it

I have a small need that gradio could fit perfectly.

I am in the board of a badminton club. We have list of members given by one source. And updated rankings given by another source (these rankings can evolve during the year, actually after each game)


This project is in gh rbc

Get rankings

Rankings are taken from badmania website at

It is as easy as:

import pandas as pd
Nom ▼▲ Nom ▼▲.1 Prénom ▼▲ Prénom ▼▲.1 Sexe Licence Catégorie ▼▲ Classement ▼▲ Class.
0 ANDRAL Anthony ANDRAL Anthony NaN 7354056 Senior P11/P10/P10 P11/P10/P10
1 AVARGUEZ Eric AVARGUEZ Eric NaN 6630518 Veteran 6 P11/D9/P10 P11/D9/P10
2 BARBIER DARDARE Léna BARBIER... Léna NaN 7454028 Minibad -/-/- -/-/-
3 BARDEL Damien BARDEL Damien NaN 7250210 Veteran 1 P12/P12/P11 P12/P12/P11
4 BARRAUD Ines BARRAUD Ines NaN 7354562 NaN -/-/- -/-/-

Because list of members provide ‘Licence’ column (License), it is easy to link the 2 files together

Everything is under update_classement.ipynb: * get_classement to extract ranking from a given license * add_classements to add all the ranking to the members list (using apply(lambda x: get_classement(x))

Export rankings function with nbdev

Here I am using the basic export function from nbdev2.

declare filename to export to

Just by inserting

#|default_exp rbc

at the top of notebook. It means it will export

declare what to export

This is the standard way using quarto directives.

Just by inserting

#| export

in front of each cell of interest

declare where to export, and export

At the bottom of notebook.

#| hide

import nbdev; nbdev.export.nb_export('update_classement.ipynb', lib_path='.')

It creates in the same directory as ‘update_classement.ipynb’. (lib_path)

Create gradio interface

Here is a small example.

import gradio as gr

def greet(name):
    return "Hello " + name + "!"

demo = gr.Interface(
    inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Name Here..."),
Running on local URL:

To create a public link, set `share=True` in `launch()`.
(<gradio.routes.App at 0x7ff6b688a310>, '', None)

Our interface

Everything is in main.ipynb

Quite simple, the gradio interface as Blocks,

with 2 file zones, one button and one action (click to send file content to a function analyse_fichier)

analyse_fichier which takes the file, use add_classements from rbc, save the new content in a temporary file, and return it as the 2nd file block output.


export to

This is the same logic as earlier.

  • declare export name with #|default_exp app
  • declare cells to export with #| export
  • export from main.ipynb to with import nbdev; nbdev.export.nb_export('main.ipynb', lib_path='.')

Just by launching Restart kernel and run all cells, everything is run smoothly and is created


Publish to huggingface

We publish to Spaces in huggingface

You need an huggingface account. And created a space which is almost like creating a git repo.


Then you can drag and drop or git push to this location. This last option is what I used.

I have just created a new space called rbc at

I can now git clone this repo to a folder aside my current project (I used rbc_hugginface)

cd ~/git
git clone rbc_huggingface

I can now copy these files to it, git add, commit, push, and voila - requirements.txt - -

I have stored that in the bash script

# git clone rbc_huggingface
NOW=`date '+%F_%H:%M'`;
cp *.py ../rbc_huggingface
cp requirements.txt ../rbc_huggingface
cd ../rbc_huggingface
git add .
git commit -am"$NOW"
git push
cd ../rbc

Demo recorded with peek (peek -b ffmpeg)

TODO using gh actions

A nicer approach would be to use github actions to publish to huggingface.

At each commit on github, actions would run to commit our 3 files to huggingface.