Generate python modules from jupyter notebooks
using nbdev/notebook2script from fastai, Jeremy Howard
- Notebook2script
- How to extract modules from notebooks
- Python library needed: fire
- Combine with pdoc to generate documentation
- Proper docstring
I have been using this for more than a year and I have just realized I don't have any blog entry about it?
As you may know, the full fastai v2 has been written in notebooks.
This is quite impressive these notebooks are documentation + code, and fastai libraries are built from these notebooks.
I have been using one of the first version of Jeremy Howard's process, I am quite sure there have been many improvment since then.
Here is the source code for
import json,fire,re
from pathlib import Path
import io
def is_export(cell):
if cell['cell_type'] != 'code': return False
src = cell['source']
if len(src) == 0 or len(src[0]) < 7: return False
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
return re.match(r'^\s*#\s*export\s*$', src[0], re.IGNORECASE) is not None
def getSortedFiles(allFiles, upTo=None):
'''Returns all the notebok files sorted by name.
allFiles = True : returns all files
= '*_*.ipynb' : returns this pattern
upTo = None : no upper limit
= filter : returns all files up to 'filter' included
The sorting optioj is important to ensure that the notebok are executed in correct order.
import glob
ret = []
if (allFiles==True): ret = glob.glob('*.ipynb') # Checks both that is bool type and that is True
if (isinstance(allFiles,str)): ret = glob.glob(allFiles)
if 0==len(ret):
print('WARNING: No files found')
return ret
if upTo is not None: ret = [f for f in ret if str(f)<=str(upTo)]
return sorted(ret)
def notebook2script(fname=None, allFiles=None, upTo=None, fnameout=None):
'''Finds cells starting with `#export` and puts them into a new module
+ allFiles: convert all files in the folder
+ upTo: convert files up to specified one included
notebook2script --allFiles=True # Parse all files
notebook2script --allFiles=nb* # Parse all files starting with nb*
notebook2script --upTo=10 # Parse all files with (name<='10')
notebook2script --allFiles=*_*.ipynb --upTo=10 # Parse all files with an '_' and (name<='10')
notebook2script --fnameout=''
# initial checks
if (allFiles is None) and (upTo is not None): allFiles=True # Enable allFiles if upTo is present
if (fname is None) and (not allFiles): print('Should provide a file name')
if not allFiles: notebook2scriptSingle(fname, fnameout)
[notebook2scriptSingle(f, fnameout) for f in getSortedFiles(allFiles,upTo)]
def notebook2scriptSingle(fname, *fname_out):
"Finds cells starting with `#export` and puts them into a new module"
fname = Path(fname)
if (fname_out[0]==None):
fname_out = f'nb_{fname.stem.split("_")[0]}.py'
else: fname_out = fname_out[0]
main_dic = json.load(open(fname,'r',encoding="utf-8"))
code_cells = [c for c in main_dic['cells'] if is_export(c)]
module = f'''
# file to edit: {}
for cell in code_cells: module += ''.join(cell['source'][1:]) + '\n\n'
# remove trailing spaces
module = re.sub(r' +$', '', module, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if not (fname.parent/'exp').exists(): (fname.parent/'exp').mkdir()
output_path = fname.parent/'exp'/fname_out
with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print(f"Converted {fname} to {output_path}")
if __name__ == '__main__': fire.Fire(notebook2script)
expects a keyword at the top of each cell to be exported. This keyword is #export
variable3 = 'Not this one'
You got the idea
#code from Jeremy Howard (fastai v2)
#!python "00D059_init_and_import.ipynb"
!python --fnameout="" "2021-09-29-nbdev-notebook2script.ipynb"
If subfolder exp
doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.
is being created as well.
Here is the content generated.
!cat exp/
import sys
!conda install --yes --prefix {sys.prefix} -c conda-forge fire
#!python "00D059_init_and_import.ipynb"
library_name = "dataprophet"
notebook_name = "00 - dataprophet library - dataprophet"
!python --fnameout="{library_name}.py" "{notebook_name}.ipynb"
!pdoc --html --output-dir exp/html --force "exp/{library_name}.py"
Note the {} notation which allows to use ipython variables as arguments to bash commands