Current config

I run daily at 9:30 AM. However what happens if my PC is off at that time, will have to wait another uptime at 9:30 AM.

Solution is to move from cron to anacron.


alt text

Anacron as user

Anacron is already setup on ubuntu. Actually cron.daily is managed by anacron therefore everything under /etc/cron.daily is run even if your system was off at the time by crontab.

But it is true for root, and has to be setup for users.

I will follow these recommandations:

.anacron folders

Create a .anacron folder in your home directory and in it two subfolders, etc and spool

!mkdir -p ~/.anacron/{etc,spool}


Create a new file ~/.anacron/etc/anacrontab with the following content:

# ~/.anacron/etc/anacrontab: configuration file for anacron

# See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.


# period  delay  job-identifier  command
1         10     squeezebox         ~/git/guillaume/squeezebox/

start anacron

Add the following line to your crontab using crontab -e:

@hourly /usr/sbin/anacron -s -t $HOME/.anacron/etc/anacrontab -S $HOME/.anacron/spool

And remove squeezebox entry from crontab.

!crontab -l
# NVIDIA SDK Manager updater
# NVIDIA SDK Manager updater
0 12 */7 * * /bin/bash /home/explore/.nvsdkm/.updater/
#30 9 * * * ~/git/guillaume/squeezebox/
@hourly /usr/sbin/anacron -s -t $HOME/.anacron/etc/anacrontab -S $HOME/.anacron/spool