IP detection

Command to get IP address is as follow:

IP=`ifconfig | grep 'inet '| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $2}'`

I can then check how IP is setup:

  • empty: no network attached, in that case nothing to do
  • HOME_IP= based on MAC I give fixed IP to my computers (out of DHCP scope)
  • S8_IP=192.168.: hotspot from samsung is using 192.168. addresses
  • OFFICE_IP=10.: office network uses 10. addresses

Detect if variable IP is set:

if [ -z "$IP" ]; then
        echo "Not connected to any network"

Network detection and proxy settings

Depending on my network, I have to set or unset proxy.

Here is the 1st version:

(xgboost) guillaume@LL11LPC0PQARQ:~$ cat my_ip.sh

IP=`ifconfig | grep 'inet '| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $2}'`

# Set Proxy
function setproxy() {
     echo "Calling setproxy"
     export {http,https,ftp}_proxy="http://proxy_ip:80"
     export {HTTP,HTTPS,FTP}_PROXY="http://proxy_ip:80"

# Unset Proxy
function unsetproxy() {
     echo "Calling unsetproxy"
     unset {http,https,ftp}_proxy

if [ -z "$IP" ]; then
        echo "Not connected to any network"
        echo "Connected and IP address is: $IP"

        if [[ "$IP" == "$HOME_IP" ]]; then
                echo "Connected at home from freebox pop --> no proxy"
                if [[ "$IP" == "$S8_IP"* ]]; then
                     echo "Connected with mobile phone --> no proxy"
                if [[ "$IP" == "$OFFICE_IP"* ]]; then
                        echo "Connected from Office --> proxy"

Call this script: source

If I want these environment variables to be available from parent shell, I have to call my script with source.

(xgboost) guillaume@LL11LPC0PQARQ:~$ source my_ip.sh
Connected and IP address is: 10.xxx.xxx.xxx
Connected from Office --> proxy
Calling setproxy

And I will auto launch this script each time I open a terminal by adding source my_ip.sh at the end of .bashrc

git and keep dot configuration files: config

I will create a blog entry about that later.

config add .bashrc my_ip.sh
config commit -m 'detect network and set proxy'
config push

wget: proxy / no proxy

I store proxy conf files under ~/proxy_files/

For wget: 2 files

$ cat proxy_files/.wgetrc_noproxy
$ cat proxy_files/.wgetrc_proxy

And enabling proxy for wget: ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_proxy ~/.wgetrc

Disabling proxy for wget: ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_noproxy ~/.wgetrc

So the updated functions setproxy and unsetproxy are:

# Set Proxy
function setproxy() {
     echo "Calling setproxy"
     export {http,https,ftp}_proxy="http://proxy_ip:80"
     export {HTTP,HTTPS,FTP}_PROXY="http://proxy_ip:80"
     #proxy for wget
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_proxy ~/.wgetrc

# Unset Proxy
function unsetproxy() {
     echo "Calling unsetproxy"
     unset {http,https,ftp}_proxy
     #no proxy for wget
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_noproxy ~/.wgetrc

apt-get: proxy / no proxy

I store proxy conf files under ~/proxy_files/

For apt, 1 file

$ cat proxy_files/apt_proxy.conf
Acquire {
  HTTP::proxy "http://proxy_ip:80";
  HTTPS::proxy "http://proxy_ip:80";

And enabling proxy for apt: sudo ln -sf ~/proxy_files/apt_proxy.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf

Disabling proxy for wget: sudo rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf

Refactor to avoid password request each time it is launched

for the moment I have just commented out these lines

So the updated functions setproxy and unsetproxy are:

# Set Proxy
function setproxy() {
     echo "Calling setproxy"
     export {http,https,ftp}_proxy="http://proxy_ip:80"
     export {HTTP,HTTPS,FTP}_PROXY="http://proxy_ip:80"
     #proxy for wget
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_proxy ~/.wgetrc
     #proxy for apt
     #sudo ln -sf ~/proxy_files/apt_proxy.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf

# Unset Proxy
function unsetproxy() {
     echo "Calling unsetproxy"
     unset {http,https,ftp}_proxy
     #no proxy for wget
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_noproxy ~/.wgetrc
     #no proxy for apt
     #sudo rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf

Sept-21 2020: IP detection to be changed after WSL2

With WSL2, IP address is from 172 network.

This looks like a virtual internal address. More detail at that address: https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4150.

to update IP detection

Oct-21 2020: Use git with github (ssh) behind corporate proxy

Here is the new configuration explained in my blog entry Use git with github (ssh) behind corporate proxy

It is just a matter of linking appropriate files when I am in or out of corporate network.

As in my_ip.sh:

# Set Proxy
function setproxy() {
     echo "Calling setproxy"
     export {http,https,ftp}_proxy="http://proxy_ip:80"
     export {HTTP,HTTPS,FTP}_PROXY="http://proxy_ip:80"
     #proxy for wget
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_proxy ~/.wgetrc
     #proxy for apt
     #sudo ln -sf ~/proxy_files/apt_proxy.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf
     #proxy for conda
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.condarc_proxy ~/.condarc
     #proxy for git
     git config --global http.proxy http://proxy_ip:80
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/ssh_config_proxy ~/.ssh/config

# Unset Proxy
function unsetproxy() {
     echo "Calling unsetproxy"
     unset {http,https,ftp}_proxy
     #no proxy for wget
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.wgetrc_noproxy ~/.wgetrc
     #no proxy for apt
     #sudo rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf
     #no proxy for conda
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/.condarc_noproxy ~/.condarc
     #no proxy for git
     git config --global --unset http.proxy
     ln -sf ~/proxy_files/ssh_config_noproxy ~/.ssh/config