save git https credentials under wsl


May 3, 2022

source of inspiration

Microsoft has released a tool to securely keep https credentials:


Usefull when one has to use https instead of git(ssl) to connect to git repos. My case when I am behing my corporate firewall and has to link to github repos (such as this blog)

How to setup it

create token in github

I have to create a token at Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens

installation of git-credential-manager inside WSL

Download the latest (v2.0.696 at May/3rd 2022) .deb package, and run the following:

sudo dpkg -i <path-to-package>
git-credential-manager-core configure
git config --global credential.credentialStore gpg
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
gpg --full-generate-key
sudo apt install -y pass
key_id=`gpg --list-keys | awk -F: '/^ / { print $0 }' | cut -d" " -f7`
pass init $key_id

or see the step 06 in install ubuntu 22.04 on WSL