Logbook for April 21


April 1, 2021

Week 13 - Apr 21

Thursday 4/1

Aniti RLVS - Deep Q-Networks and its variants

Collège de France - Algorithmes quantiques : quand la physique quantique défie la thèse de Church-Turing Leçon inaugurale

Friday 4/2

Aniti RLVS - From Policy Gradients to Actor Critic methods

Aniti RLVS - Policy Gradient in pratice

git to use socks server to github (to go through local firewall)

Aniti RLVS - Exploration in Deep RL

Week 14 - Apr 21

Wednesday 4/7

tabnet: pytorch (and fastai with Zach Mueller) implementations

Thursday 4/8

Aniti RLVS - Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning

Jupyter notebook turned into slides with RISE

Aniti RLVS - Micro-data Policy Search

Friday 4/9

Aniti RLVS - RL in Practice: Tips and Tricks and Practical Session With Stable-Baselines3

setup wsl-vpnkit to workaround wsl2 and network issues (explained here)

install wsl2-cuda-conda

Week 15 - Apr 21

Thursday 4/15

MIT 6S191 Learning for Information Extraction (lecture 9).

Week 16 - Apr 21

Tuesday 4/20

How To run macOS on KVM / QEMU

Wednesday 4/21

Enrolled to Machine learning in python with scikit-learn by scikit-learn team!

Audio classification with pytorch

Week 17 - Apr 21

Monday 4/26

datacamp - Bayesian Data Analysis in Python, at the end, Think Bayes 2 by Allen B.Downey

Tuesday 4/27

RL Course by David Silver Value Function Approximation (lecture 6)

MIT 6S191 Taming Dataset Bias (lecture 10)

Wednesday 4/28

datacamp - Exploratory Data Analysis in Python, by Allen B.Downey (that’s why)

Thursday 4/29

datacamp - Working with date and time, quite interesting to see timezones considerations.

Friday 4/30

datacamp - Cleaning data. Impressed by fuzzywuzzy and recordlinkage packages. End of this track (Data Scientist - new version)

MIT 6S191 Towards AI for 3D Content Creation (lecture 11) and AI in Healthcare (lecture 12) and this is the end of this course