Git - How to find all unpushed commits for all projects in a directory?

clustergit, RabbitVCS - installation and usage

March 9, 2021

Very basic question to help keep my repo clean.

Installation clustergit

clustergit seems a good candidate

cd ~/Applications
git clone
# add export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Applications/clustergit" to ~.bashrc
source ~.bashrc

or using .local/bin

cd ~/Applications/
git clone
cd ~
mkdir -p .local/bin
cd .local/bin/
ln -s ~/Applications/clustergit/clustergit .
source .profile

Usage clustergit

clustergit status

$ clustergit 
Scanning sub directories of .
./Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Hands-On  : Changesn .    (1/17)
./Deep_reinforcement_learning_Course    : Changes
./ReinforcementLearning_references      : On branch main, Untracked files
./blog                                  : Untracked files
./d059                                  : On branch main, Changes
./data-scientist-skills                 : Clean
./deeplearning_specialization           : Clean
./fastai                                : Changes
./fastai_experiments                    : Changes
./fastbook                              : Changes
./gan_specialization                    : Clean
./hello_nbdev                           : Clean
./introduction-reinforcement-learning-david-silver: On branch main, Untracked files
./mit_600.2x Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science: Clean
./mit_6S191_Intro_to_deep_learning      : On branch main, No Changes
./pytorch_tutorial                      : On branch main, Changes
./squeezebox                            : On branch main, No Changes

clustergit status (detailed)

$ clustergit -v
---------------- ./squeezebox -----------------
running  LC_ALL=C git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

./squeezebox                            : On branch main, No Changes
---------------- ./squeezebox -----------------

clustergit status (less detailed: hide Clean)

$ clustergit -H
Scanning sub directories of .
./d059                                  : On branch main, Changes
./fastai                                : Changes
./fastai_experiments                    : Changes
./fastbook                              : Changes
./introduction-reinforcement-learning-david-silver: On branch main, Untracked files
./mit_6S191_Intro_to_deep_learning      : On branch main, No Changes
./pytorch_tutorial                      : On branch main, Changes
./squeezebox                            : On branch main, No Changes

Clean vs On branch main, No Changes

seems related to branch name. If branch is named master, then clean is displayed.

(Mar/25 21) I have just changed clustergit to have main as default branch name instead of master (github having set main as the new standard)

Rename everything from master to main

Git pull, push

I am not sure I will use it. But allows to recursively launch pull commands to update repos (if no local changes)

Rename branches from main to master

Renaming a branch from github website.

Rename branch main to master from github website

Update local clones

git branch -m main master
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/master master

Rename branches from master to main (I know)

Renaming a branch from github website.

Rename branch master to main from github website

Update local clones

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main


From this page


sudo apt install rabbitvcs-nautilus


These overlay icons are not automatically updated (have to hit Ctrl-F5, it is a cache issue?) Which is not a surprise: number of actions are fired based on file modifications, and here status (commited, pushed) is not at all linked to file modifications. The system doesn’t know that overlay icon should be changed because file was not touched.


Just to check if it works better than RabbitVCS regarding overlay icon cache issue.

No I didn’t manage to make it work. Back to RabbitVCS.

Activate git with GlobalProtect

move from ssh to https, keeping password

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

move to

git remote set-url origin
  • Make Git store the username and password and it will never ask for them.
git config --global credential.helper store
  • Save the username and password for a session (cache it);
git config --global credential.helper cache

and to activate trace


we can enrich certificates with Global Protect CA

~/anaconda3/ssl$ sudo cp certPG.pem /etc/ssl/certs/

Add a ca-certificate in ubuntu

  1. Go to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
  2. Create a new folder, i.e. sudo mkdir school
  3. Copy the . crt file into the school folder.
  4. Make sure the permissions are OK (755 for the folder, 644 for the file)
  5. Run sudo update-ca-certificates

We should see effects in /etc/ssl/certs

/etc/ssl/certs$ ll -tr
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     86 mars  24 10:02  cert_M_X5C_sase-net-sslfwd-trust-ca.pem -> /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/globalprotect/cert_M_X5C_sase-net-sslfwd-trust-ca.crt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     39 mars  24 10:02  0dc7de9e.0 -> cert_M_X5C_sase-net-sslfwd-trust-ca.pem