Logbook for February 21


February 26, 2021

This is a test. I will try to keep words on a monthly (this page), weekly (per heading), daily basis. Just some short entries with possibly some links to more detailed materials.

Week 8 - Feb 21

Monday 2/22

To develop knowledge about RL, here is my learning process on a weekly basis.

Monday MIT 6S191

Tuesday College de France

Wednesday Deep Reinforcement Learning by Thomas Simonini

Friday RL readings: papers, books, …

Friday 2/26

blog fastpages - setup automated upgrade (instructions from _fastpages_docs) v2.1.42

blog fastpages - display image preview (update of _config.yml)

RL - understood differences between Q-learning and Sarsa algorithms in end of step2 part2

RL - Sutton book (p200-220) - eligibility traces, and start of planning vs learning