About my datacamp learning process

keep lectures, notebooks, progress, … and git structure
data science

January 7, 2021


I started learning with Datacamp in March 2019. This is a great resource and I recommend all datascience newcomers to give it a shot.

What I like are the consistent courses content. There is an overall logic between all courses. And content is just incredible: more than 300 interactive courses. OK maybe you won’t find all of them super useful but at least you can pick what is of interest for you. Following my learning process it takes me about 8 hours to complete a course.

Datacamp courses

Career tracks are a smart way to help you build a 1st tour in your datascience journey. I followed python programmer (old version), data scientist with python (old version) and machine learning scientist with python tracks. Mileage may vary but it is about 20 courses per track. Updated versions of tracks are now online and this is a mix between courses, projects and skills assessments. I have tested one project but it is a little bit too basic for me.

Datacamp Career tracks

There is a nice and smooth progress tracking system, and as in a game you earn XP for each achivement.

Datacamp Progress

Selecting courses

A natural way to select courses is to browse through courses from career tracks. And I will complete courses from new version of career tracks. Or when I need to learn on a new domain, I just search for relevant courses (search engine is very good).

I have 2 ways to track these courses: * bookmarks in Datacamp

  • entries in ITP (individual training plan, a big excel list of learning items I plan to follow)

Learning process

Starting a project

As an example I will use

which is a project from the new Data Scientist career track and which is in my ITP:

Git repo - data-scientist-skills

In my data-scientist-skills github repo, I have 2 folders: * Other datacamp courses - where I keep lectures (pdf slides) from datacamp courses * python-sandbox - where I keep notebooks and data from datacamp exercises

  • creation of Data Manipulation with pandas folder under Other datacamp courses
  • creation of data-manipulation-with-pandas folder under python-sandbox
  • copy of python-sandbox/_1project-template/ into python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas

Datacamp project template

In this project template,

  • data_from_datacamp will store all data needed to launch datacamp exercises
  • exports_py will contain exports of notebooks in txt/py format (usefull to search on code patterns)
  • start_env.sh start_env.bat to launch jupyter notebook from the right conda env
  • downloadfromFileIO.py to download data files from my local notebooks (using in the background file.io)
  • uploadfromdatacamp.py to upload data files from datacamp
  • uploadfromdatacamp_examples.py some examples to transfer dataframes, dataseries, lists, …

Projects structure

After initialisation, I have the following structure and content:

On your left lectures (one per chapter) and final certificate.

On your right notebooks.

Notebooks for exercises

Just run the jupyter notebook environment by calling start_env.sh.

Get the chapter title:

And name the notebook accordingly:

Then enter interactive instructions. I copy paste instructions using copy selection as markdown firefox add-on.

Here in this example, if I want to follow instructions locally I need to have homelessness dataframe.

I can use the following code from uploadfromdatacamp_examples.py

##### Dataframe

#upload and download

from downloadfromFileIO import saveFromFileIO
""" à executer sur datacamp: (apres copie du code uploadfromdatacamp.py)

{pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: {'homelessness.csv': 'https://file.io/vTM1t2ehXds4'}}
prefix = saveFromFileIO(tobedownloaded, prefixToc=prefixToc, proxy="")


import pandas as pd
homelessness = pd.read_csv(prefix+'homelessness.csv',index_col=0)

Before executing this cell, I have to copy/paste/execute uploadfromdatacamp.py content on datacamp server. And call


Then get the results last line

In [2]:
{"success":true,"key":"vTM1t2ehXds4","link":"https://file.io/vTM1t2ehXds4","expiry":"14 days"}
{pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: {'homelessness.csv': 'https://file.io/vTM1t2ehXds4'}}

and copy it in tobedownloaded variable.

Update prefixTOC to the good value (exercise 1.1 is the 1st one in first chapter) which is used as a prefix in data files. And update local variable name and csv file.

Run the cell

Here is the result

Téléchargements à lancer
{'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame': {'homelessness.csv': 'https://file.io/vTM1t2ehXds4'}}
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  2528    0  2528    0     0   4870      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4870

And homelessness is available to be used.

Files downloaded are in data_from_datacamp folder.

And running again the cell won’t download file from file.io, but will read the cached file. (delete file to force download)

Full content of this notebook example at the bottom

keep content in git

~/git/guillaume/data-scientist-skills$ git add .

~/git/guillaume/data-scientist-skills$ git commit -m 'start of data manipulation in pandas course'
[master c8696ce] start of data manipulation in pandas course
 45 files changed, 9010 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Other datacamp courses/Data Manipulation with pandas/chapter1.pdf
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/.ipynb_checkpoints/chapter1 - Transforming Data-checkpoint.ipynb
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/__pycache__/downloadfromFileIO.cpython-37.pyc
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/chapter1 - Transforming Data.ipynb
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/data_from_datacamp/.empty_dir.txt
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/data_from_datacamp/chapter1 - Transforming Data-Exercise1.1_3277903540843719836.lock
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/data_from_datacamp/chapter1 - Transforming Data-Exercise1.1_homelessness.csv
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/downloadfromFileIO.py
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/exports_py/.empty_dir.txt
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/exports_py/Untitled.py
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/exports_py/Untitled.txt
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/exports_py/chapter1 - Transforming Data.py
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/start_env.bat
 create mode 100755 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/start_env.sh
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/uploadfromdatacamp.py
 create mode 100644 python-sandbox/data-manipulation-with-pandas/uploadfromdatacamp_examples.py

~/git/guillaume/data-scientist-skills$ git push
Enumerating objects: 43, done.
Counting objects: 100% (43/43), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (38/38), done.
Writing objects: 100% (40/40), 5.75 MiB | 3.85 MiB/s, done.
Total 40 (delta 8), reused 1 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (8/8), completed with 3 local objects.
To github.com:castorfou/data-scientist-skills.git
   89f60e5..c8696ce  master -> master

Update progress in ITP

Datacamp is giving instant progress

So I regularly report this progress (here 0.18/4=5%) in ITP.

keep certificates

I download and keep certificates with lectures.

Notebook example : Introducing DataFrames

Inspecting a DataFrame | Python

Inspecting a DataFrame

When you get a new DataFrame to work with, the first thing you need to do is explore it and see what it contains. There are several useful methods and attributes for this.

  • .head() returns the first few rows (the “head” of the DataFrame).
  • .info() shows information on each of the columns, such as the data type and number of missing values.
  • .shape returns the number of rows and columns of the DataFrame.
  • .describe() calculates a few summary statistics for each column.

homelessness is a DataFrame containing estimates of homelessness in each U.S. state in 2018. The individual column is the number of homeless individuals not part of a family with children. The family_members column is the number of homeless individuals part of a family with children. The state_pop column is the state’s total population.

pandas is imported for you.


##### Dataframe

#upload and download

from downloadfromFileIO import saveFromFileIO
""" à executer sur datacamp: (apres copie du code uploadfromdatacamp.py)

{pandas.core.frame.DataFrame: {'homelessness.csv': 'https://file.io/vTM1t2ehXds4'}}
prefix = saveFromFileIO(tobedownloaded, prefixToc=prefixToc, proxy="")


import pandas as pd
homelessness = pd.read_csv(prefix+'homelessness.csv',index_col=0)
Téléchargements à lancer
{'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame': {'homelessness.csv': 'https://file.io/vTM1t2ehXds4'}}
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  2528    0  2528    0     0   4870      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  4870


Print the head of the homelessness DataFrame.

# Print the head of the homelessness data
               region       state  individuals  family_members  state_pop
0  East South Central     Alabama       2570.0           864.0    4887681
1             Pacific      Alaska       1434.0           582.0     735139
2            Mountain     Arizona       7259.0          2606.0    7158024
3  West South Central    Arkansas       2280.0           432.0    3009733
4             Pacific  California     109008.0         20964.0   39461588

Print information about the column types and missing values in homelessness.

# Print information about homelessness
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 51 entries, 0 to 50
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------          --------------  -----  
 0   region          51 non-null     object 
 1   state           51 non-null     object 
 2   individuals     51 non-null     float64
 3   family_members  51 non-null     float64
 4   state_pop       51 non-null     int64  
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 2.4+ KB

Print the number of rows and columns in homelessness.

# Print the shape of homelessness
(51, 5)

Print some summary statistics that describe the homelessness DataFrame.

# Print a description of homelessness
         individuals  family_members     state_pop
count      51.000000       51.000000  5.100000e+01
mean     7225.784314     3504.882353  6.405637e+06
std     15991.025083     7805.411811  7.327258e+06
min       434.000000       75.000000  5.776010e+05
25%      1446.500000      592.000000  1.777414e+06
50%      3082.000000     1482.000000  4.461153e+06
75%      6781.500000     3196.000000  7.340946e+06
max    109008.000000    52070.000000  3.946159e+07